About Me
About Me
Hi, my name is Jacob. I'm currently a Physician Informaticist at Boston Children's Hospital, and board certified in clinical pathology, molecular genetic pathology, and clinical informatics. By day I work on operational informatics projects, and by night I work on coding applications related to the clinical laboratory, data visualization, and genetics.

Web Apps
Web Apps

A desktop application for visualizing blood product utilization.

A web application for the interpreting the significance of genetic variants.

An educational web application for pathology that uses whole slide images.
July 2016 - June 2019
Clinical Pathology Resident
▹Interpreted clinical tests and hematopathology cases
▹Consulted with physicians regarding laboratory testing and transfusion
▹Did full stack development on UCSF Bridge project
July 2020 - June 2021
Clinical Informatics Fellow
Mass General / Brigham and Women's
Mass General / Brigham and Women's
▹Worked with ISBT to create an application for storing red blood cell molecular data
▹Participated in operational informatics meetings related to molecular and digital pathology
July 2020 - June 2021
Molecular Pathology Fellow
▹Interpreted clinical molecular tests, including NGS panels for cancer and microarrays
▹Participated in a variety of research projects
▹Received R03 funding for a tool I created
▹Set up a test implementation of WisecondorX
July 2021 - Present
Physician Informaticist
Boston Children's Hospital
Boston Children's Hospital
▹Estimated physician staffing required for Epic transition
▹Chaired and sat on six Epic workgroups, including CDS and data conversion groups
▹Worked on operational informatics projects related to the laboratory