About Me
About Me
Hi, my name is Jacob. I'm currently a Physician Informaticist at Boston Children's Hospital, and board certified in clinical pathology, molecular genetic pathology, and clinical informatics. By day I work on operational informatics projects, and by night I work on coding applications related to the clinical laboratory, data visualization, and genetics.
Web Apps
Web Apps
A desktop application for visualizing blood product utilization.
A web application for the interpreting the significance of genetic variants.
An educational web application for pathology that uses whole slide images.
July 2016 - June 2019
Clinical Pathology Resident
Interpreted clinical tests and hematopathology cases
Consulted with physicians regarding laboratory testing and transfusion
Did full stack development on UCSF Bridge project
July 2020 - June 2021
Clinical Informatics Fellow
Mass General / Brigham and Women's
Worked with ISBT to create an application for storing red blood cell molecular data
Participated in operational informatics meetings related to molecular and digital pathology
July 2020 - June 2021
Molecular Pathology Fellow
Interpreted clinical molecular tests, including NGS panels for cancer and microarrays
Participated in a variety of research projects
Received R03 funding for a tool I created
Set up a test implementation of WisecondorX
July 2021 - Present
Physician Informaticist
Boston Children's Hospital
Estimated physician staffing required for Epic transition
Chaired and sat on six Epic workgroups, including CDS and data conversion groups
Worked on operational informatics projects related to the laboratory